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Boy Scout Fundraising Ideas

Boy Scout/Cub Scout Fundraising Ideas Running a successful Boy Scout Troop or Cub Pack requires more than just time and dedication—it also takes money. Whether it’s for camping trips, new gear, or special activities, every unit needs a reliable way…

How to annoy your mom

I did a funny kind of tongue-in-cheek post about how to annoy a dad. And I thought, “why do dads get to be annoyed?”. Why can’t moms join in on the fun? Surely moms want to be annoyed also right?…

Funny Parenting Memes – March 2024

When you make it through the winter trapped inside with your kids you just want to get outside. Well, to get you to Spring and hopefully a warm and sunny Summer here are some funny parenting memes that I have…

Dad Hacks

Dad hacks. I don’t know if I like the word hacks or not. Maybe “things I have learned over the 20 years of being a dad”. But that doesn’t really roll off the tongue like dad hacks. But being a…

Parent-Teacher Conference Memes

As a parent, you just never know what to expect when you have a parent-teacher conference. Will it be all roses and great reports, or will you find out something that was not expected and be shocked? Any more with…

Fighting With Your Wife Over Parenting

How to Deal With Fighting With Your wife Over Parenting Is your wife’s parenting style in direct conflict with yours? Do you prefer a gentle parenting strategy while you prefer a more direct authoritarian style? Husbands and wives usually stay…

Cub Scouts – How to find a pack

How to find a Cub Scout pack If you’re looking for an engaging and educational program for your child, you may want to consider Cub Scouts. Cub Scouts is a youth program that provides children with the opportunity to develop…

Winter Activities For Dads And Toddlers

Winter Activities For Dads And Toddlers: The Best Ways To Keep Your Kids Busy And Entertained There is nothing more important than the bonds that are created between a father and his young children. It is these relationships that shape…