My favorite parenting memes

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My favorite parenting memes

Memes. We love them. And we hate them. Sometimes they make us cringe and other times we laugh so hard at inappropriate times when someone sends us one. So I thought I would share a few of my favorite parenting memes and explain why they are so funny. Although if you are a parent you probably already understand why they are funny.

Favorite parenting memes
Second Breakfast
Favorite parenting memes
Second Breakfast

My kids are hungry all the time. And even if they say they are not hungry. They eat anyways. When my kids are at home during the day I catch them all day long trying to eat 2 or 3 times in between meals. It’s any wonder I even have food left in the house at the end of the week.

And speaking of being hungry

Favorite parenting memes
Hi hungry I'm dad
Favorite parenting memes
Hi hungry I’m dad

Dad jokes are my thing. I love hitting my kids with a good dad joke. So when they come at me with “Dad I’m hungry” I can barely resist the urge to retort with “Hi hungry, I’m dad”. Sure they groan most of the time and walk away complaining. But I feel I did my job as a dad.

Favorite parenting memes
See you next year
Favorite parenting memes
See you next year

End of year jokes are a different kind of dad joke. They can only be used once a year. Saying things on December 31st like “see you next year” or saying “I haven’t seen you all year” on January 1st is just peak dad joke.

parenting meme. baby sleeping via buzzfeed
via BuzzFeed

Trying to put a little one to sleep is one of the things I am just horrible at. Somehow I always manage to wake them up or disturb them. So this meme comparing the baby to a ticking time bomb is spot on. It is even worse in the middle of the night when they wake up. One wrong step and BOOM they are awake again and no sleep for you.

Parenting memes. I'll allow it.
I’ll allow it

I always get accused of spoiling my kids. But dang it they are so cute when they flash that smile or bat their eyes at you. Ok I don’t let them get away with everything but sometimes it seems like they always get what they want.

parenting memes. the stare
the stare

Sometimes I feel this is the only way I look at my kids. “What are you doing?” “Why did you put that in your mouth?” all things that I say and then followed by this stare. Most of the time it doesn’t work. But I still do it anyways. Maybe someday it will work. Maybe.

parenting meme. kids get hurt. oh no.

If I had a dollar for every time I said “Don’t do that you are going to get hurt” and my kids get hurt. I would be rich by now. I think someone once told me to not say anything and you would have a better chance of them not getting hurt. I believe it. Kids do dumb stuff. And then they come and cry because they got hurt. Sometimes it is hard not to laugh at them and tell them “I told you so”. You just have to suck it up and pretend like everything is going to be ok.

But in fact everything was not ok. Because they probably did it again five minutes later.

parenting memes. Wake up early
Early start

It never fails. The weekend is here so we let them stay up a little later on Friday night. Then we stay up late after they go to bed in high hopes that they will sleep in the next morning. But as this parenting meme explains they will still get up at the same time. Every time. Their internal clocks could care less if you only got a few hours of sleep.

Hope you enjoyed the parenting memes. There are so many out there it is hard to pick just a few of my favorites. I hope these memes bring a little smile in the midst of the parenting struggle.

What are some of your favorite parenting memes? Drop us a link below so we can share the laughs.


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