Why do babies cry when dad holds them?
Why do babies cry when dad holds them? Dads and babies can be a tricky combo. Dads are often trying to figure out what to do when their baby cries and it’s hard to know where you stand with your…
Why do babies cry when dad holds them? Dads and babies can be a tricky combo. Dads are often trying to figure out what to do when their baby cries and it’s hard to know where you stand with your…
ABCs of parenting There are so many words that we associate with parenting. Love Protector Friend But just one word doesn’t cover it all. We are all about being a better dad here. To help you become a better dad…
In today’s world, you will see a lot of reactive parents. This means instead of actively being a parent to their child they react to their child’s behavior. A common reason for this is technology has invaded our life. I’m…
So you are about to have a kid. Or maybe you just had one. Things are about to get real. Your life is about to change. I would argue for the better. But some might argue that it will change…
Reasons why fathers are important When I see someone who has made bad choices in life the first thing I ask is what was their family life like. Are mom and dad happily married? If mom and dad are divorced…
Ferne Clyffe State Park Tent Camping Recently my son and I decided to take a quick 1-night camping trip to Ferne Clyffe State Park. It was very last minute so I got online and looked to see what our options…
Dropping off your kids for daycare should not be a difficult task. But for dads, it may seem like the impossible. Typically my wife is the one to drop off the kids because they go to daycare near where she…
Last fall my son and I made a trip to Mammoth Cave to camp for a day. We couldn’t get a cave tour for the day we were at Mammoth Cave so I started to look at alternatives. Mammoth Cave…
I saw a meme the other day from someone that basically equated to this statement. “I don’t owe my parents anything” I dug deeper into why someone would say that. Some people felt like their parents mistreated them which is…
3-year-old kids can be challenging. And they can also drive you crazy. People talk about the terrible twos but I would argue that the terrible threes are just as bad if not worse. These little angels just want to try…