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Active Parenting Style For Dads

In today’s world, you will see a lot of reactive parents. This means instead of actively being a parent to their child they react to their child’s behavior. A common reason for this is technology has invaded our life. I’m…

Reasons why fathers are important

Reasons why fathers are important When I see someone who has made bad choices in life the first thing I ask is what was their family life like.  Are mom and dad happily married?  If mom and dad are divorced…

Why I owe my parents everything

I saw a meme the other day from someone that basically equated to this statement. “I don’t owe my parents anything” I dug deeper into why someone would say that. Some people felt like their parents mistreated them which is…

Expectations of being a father

It’s Saturday morning and I hear these words coming over the baby monitor “dada … dada … DADA!” I look at the clock and realize it is not even 6 am. Why are these kids awake? Can I just get…