Why do babies cry when dad holds them?
Dads and babies can be a tricky combo. Dads are often trying to figure out what to do when their baby cries and it’s hard to know where you stand with your little one. But don’t worry! There are some simple ways you can help your baby feel secure, happy, and content while they’re being held by you.
Dads will have to work a little harder to improve their bond with their babies. In most cases, moms are there with the baby all day long while dad works. This gives mom and baby a lot more time to bond and gives moms a lot more opportunities to understand how to soothe their baby.
And most of the time the baby is not crying because they dislike you. They are crying because they want comfort. And when they are with mom it is the ultimate comfort. This is the person they literally were attached to for 9 months. When babies leave their mom they get upset and even though you have always been there, you still aren’t mom.
Parent-child bonding takes a lot of work

Bonding with your child can take a lot of work. For most dads, it’s not an easy process; the best way to get the hang of it is to maintain consistency and be patient. Bonding with your baby can be great fun and can help you feel closer than ever before—but it takes time, patience, effort, and love!
Dads need to go above and beyond
It’s easy for dads to think about holding the baby, changing diapers, feeding the baby, and playing with them as enough. But when you look at it from a mother’s perspective: these are all things that they do on autopilot.
It takes moms very little effort while doing them to be able to multitask. Now imagine if someone came into your house and did all of those things while you were asleep or away—wouldn’t it be nice if they offered some extra attention?
You may wonder what else it is for dads to do besides changing diapers or rocking their babies in a rocking chair, but trust me when I say that there are plenty of ways for you guys who are not even fathers yet still reading this article right now!
Here’s an example: a wife just gave birth last week and dad decided not only would he change his daughter’s diaper but also help feed her every couple hours throughout the day so his wife could get some rest during those first few days after delivery.
She was so happy with this gesture because not only could she rest up but she also knew that her husband really wanted nothing more than for her health and happiness—and he definitely showed it through his actions instead of just saying it as most people would do.
Understand the temperament of your child

When you’re a new parent, it can be hard to understand why your baby cries when you hold them. After all, it’s their favorite thing in the world! But there are some reasons that may explain why your child might not want to cuddle with you right away.
Your child’s temperament is probably one of the most important factors in determining whether or not they’ll like being held by a dad. Some babies are more tactile than others; they love having their faces rubbed and hands massaged while they sleep. Other babies have less sensitive skin and prefer to sleep alone. Still, other children just don’t enjoy being snuggled at all until they get older—and even then, only if it’s done correctly!
Another thing to consider is that maybe you aren’t actually holding them correctly for whatever reason (you’re too rough or too soft).
You should ask yourself:
Are my arms too rough? Do I have a strange odor?
If you work all day and come home and your baby is crying maybe a scent or something from your work is irritating the baby. Try taking a shower or just changing clothes before holding the baby.
Am I too clumsy with this tiny human being?
Don’t be anxious or worried if you are going to do the right thing. Take a deep breath and know that this is your child and holding them is going to be a wonderful experience. Get yourself in the right mindset.
Do I know how long a baby needs before feeding again?
Check with your spouse to see if it is time to feed or close to time. And if you are unsure what their feeding schedule should be or have questions reach out to your pediatrician.
Do I understand how much stimulation or comfort is needed at any given moment?
This is another one that your spouse may be the expert with. And if you are still unsure check with your pediatrician. They have intricate knowledge to help know when and how to comfort your child.
Are there enough toys around for them to play with to keep them stimulated?
This is a delicate balance here. You don’t want to overstimulate your child but you also don’t want them to be bored.
There’s no question about it—these questions require an understanding of infant development which comes only through experience dealing directly with infants themselves over time.
Don’t be tired

Sleep deprivation can lead to irritability and make you less patient with your baby. If you’re tired, it’s likely that your judgment is also impaired, meaning that you aren’t as attuned to what your baby needs at any given time.
In addition, being sleep-deprived can make it harder for you to pick up on the differences between mild crying and severe crying—consistent sleep is important for parents working hard to understand their child’s communication signals and cues.
Use skin-to-skin contact
It’s important for dads to get involved in caring for their babies as soon as possible, but it can be intimidating if you’re not sure what to do.
Skin-to-skin contact is one of the best ways to help a crying baby calm down. It helps them feel safe and secure, so it’s instrumental when your child is upset. You don’t have to be an expert at skin-to-skin contact—just put your little one against your chest, or wrap them in a blanket while you hold her close with both hands (one hand under her head and one hand over her bottom).
The idea here is that both parents are comfortable holding their child at all times throughout the day, even if they’ve just woken up from a nap or nursing session.
Some people think this type of physical contact might make a baby cry more because he doesn’t want his mommy or daddy running away after he’s been fed! But this isn’t true; he just needs extra snuggles now that he knows where food comes from. In fact, holding him close when he cries will help him calm down faster so that everyone can go back about their day with less stress!
Just because your baby cries when you hold them doesn’t mean they don’t love you

Babies cry for many reasons:
- To communicate that they are tired, hungry, or need to be changed.
- When their needs aren’t being met in a timely manner.
- When they don’t feel safe (i.e., when you pick them up out of the crib).
- When something unexpected happens (a loud noise or a stranger) and it causes them fear.
- Being away from mom (their safe space).
- If they are sick.
If your baby cries because he’s sleepy and can’t fall back asleep without help from you, try rocking him gently until he falls asleep again.
If your child cries when fed because they want more attention from mom or dad than just feeding provides, sit down beside them on a couch and cuddle together in silence for 5 minutes before returning to whatever activity was interrupted by feeding time so everyone can get back into their routine as seamlessly as possible after taking this little break together.
You may also want to try putting them down into their crib instead of holding onto them while feeding if that makes sense for both of them – this way we won’t miss any opportunities during night feedings that could lead to falling back asleep quickly.
As you can see, when a baby cries when the dad holds them is not a simple issue. Many factors come into play, and they don’t always line up with what you expect. It’s important to remember that your baby is not trying to reject you or hurt your feelings; they just need some extra attention from time to time.
The good news is that these tips are easy enough for anyone to follow—and if you do them consistently, they’ll have a major impact on your relationship with your child.